Say no to January blues, with help from Red Candy!
If you’re anything like us, January can feel a little bleak, clothes might be tighter and mornings become an enemy you have to battle against each day. Wouldn't it be great if somebody could just follow you around, ever-available for a much needed hug or a cuppa if you get a little tearful? Unfortunately we can’t help you with the comfort-person (hmmm, maybe we should look into stocking them in 2015); however, we reckon these little items could be the pick-me-ups you need to start the new year off with a smile (even if it’s a sleepy-smile).
Firstly, it’s always a good idea to know what the date is. This helps in most areas of life, from getting up on the correct day to go to work, to remembering your Nan’s birthday; you need a reliable and solid point-of-reference. A calendar.
Was: £16.50 Now £14.90
These colouful companions are cheery, bold and straight-talkin'. They will also last a lifetime as they don't show the year (we're confident you already know that). This makes them a reliable investment for 2014 and beyond. Simply move the contrasting coloured-magnets behind the days and dates, then boom! You know what date it is, you turn up to parties on the right day and your interior has had a serious injection of design with bright aesthetics. January looks better already doesn't it!
Don't forget, a little of what you fancy does you good! So toss aside ideas of fasting or denying yourself a treat or two. You don't have to put Bailys over your porridge or create extra meal times that involve only mince pies with cream, everything in moderation and all that. And now is the best time to pick up some high quality treats in the January sales (yipee). We've spotted the following, and it's dark chocolate so it doesn't even count, right?
We won't bother letting you know how to utilise this item. You know what to do.
Was: £69.20 Now: £62.30
Another piece of advice, get up on time! Annoying yourself and others with being late will only make January worse. It's dark and chilly outside, so you need a wake-up call that's going to put a spring in your step en-route to the shower. If a spring in your step seems impossible, then an inner one will definitely happen...
With organic natural-wood, minimal construction and clear, LED date & time display, this is simply a design triumph. Sent to help give you enough time for breakfast and to watch the weather report each morning, this year and for the years ahead.
Let's keep things balanced. Maybe we feel slightly guilty about the chocolate post before (although, if you're still reading this, that means you haven't run off to eat chocolate, which is in itself an achievement). Fruit is tasty and healthy, infact a halo practically appears above your head if you're spotted eating it. That's going to create January smiles.
Instructions; eat, smile, skip and polish that halo.
Was: £7:50 Now: £6:80
Save those pennies. Without wanting to sound like your mum, that money will build up, and just when you think you can't afford that mojito after work, you CAN! See, your mum would never suggest a mojito would she?
We like this money box as it gives a sense of importance and also tells you exactly what to do in times of minor financial-panic.
Was: £4.20 Now: £1.80 - £3.80
Last and by no-means least, having the sniffles and sneezes can actually be made enjoyable, well ok, the act of blowing your nose then. These pocket heroes just want to cheer you up with a splash of colour. White and beige shades of tissue will become archaic when you pull out these bad boys.
"ATISSUE!" never looked so good.
And if all else fails, book your holiday and keep thinking about it! Happy New Year everyone, make 2014 the best yet.