Sunday 14th January is Organise Your Home Day! And we think it’s the perfect opportunity to cut the clutter and start the New Year with a tidy and organised home!
We know it’s hard to find the time for a good sort out, but it’s proven that less-cluttered environments are more calming - so there’s really no excuse not to whip that home into shape!
To help, we’ve put together a few top tips on how to easily declutter your home. Plus by using funky and stylish storage solutions (which, by chance, we happen to have a few of…) tidying up will be much more fun - so we’ve included a few of our favourites at the bottom!
1. Get creative!
Make tidying less of a chore by getting creative with your decluttering! Add some fun to proceedings with shelves painted in colour pop hues, or by covering your old storage boxes in colourful wrapping paper.
2. Break it down into small and manageable chunks!
Separate your decluttering mission into different rooms or even sections. For example, if you’ve got a desk which has almost disappeared under a pile of miscellaneous paper then blitz that first!
3. Make the most of your neglected areas
If areas such as your under the stairs cupboard or utility room have become proverbial dumping grounds, then they are a great starting point on your road to organisational heaven!
4. Utilise your wall space
If your floor space is becoming cluttered then shelves will be your new best friend! And why not trade your desk photo frames for wall mounted multi photo frames and your vases for wall mounted planters?! Plus adding a couple of mirrors will instantly make the room look bigger and less cluttered.
We are firm believers that using funky storage solutions will make tidying up much more fun - so we’ve included a few of our favourite storage accessories below! Click here to view our full range!
Block Medium PegBoard – Light Blue, £40
Block Hello Coat Rack – Yellow, £38
Campervan Magazine Rack – Black, £19
Trace Copper Desktop Organiser, £23.50
Lego Storage Bricks - various colours and sizes available, from £18.99 each
CorkFrame - Square, £70
Penbot - Red, £13.75
Umbra Estique Hallway Organiser, £15
Giant Thimble Tidy - Silver, £10.90
Korridor Pyramid Storage Boxes - various colours and sizes available, from £14 each
Zig Zag Wall Rack - Copper, £37.95
Eric the Memo Elephant, £12.95
Cactus Desktop Organiser, £12
Block Storage Houses, from £10 each
Framed Letter Board, £45
Umbra Strum Shelf - Copper, £10
Snapshot Message Board, £24.95

*NEW* Block PegBoard Accessories! - We've just added a range of funky peg board accessories, including a blackboard, shelf and extra pegs.
***Click here to view our full range of storage accessories!***