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I Never Fart Socks
Bitch I Am Relaxed Socks
Aunts are the Shit Socks
Persian Rug Socks
I'm a Planner Socks
I Hate this Fucking Beautiful Lawn Socks
Grumpy Old Man Socks
Plants Get Me Socks
I'm Complicated Socks
What a Guy Socks
Socks! Socks! And more Socks! We’ve got silly socks, we’ve got sassy socks, we’ve got socks that will SOCK your world! Have a friend who likes arts and crafts? We’ve got socks for that. What about a friend who just wants to go to sleep? We’ve got socks for that too! Do you want to impress your crush with a nice present? Go on and sock it to ‘em! Socks always seem to be the forgotten category, but we’re happy you’re here! Find the present that will make you believe Serendipity is more than an amazing Rom-Com. Get the perfect gift to knock your friend’s socks off!