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Star Wars Yoda Doormat
Dinosaur Bottle Opener
Solar System Coat Hook
Jetpack Backpack
Double Sharpener Desk Tidy
Royal Gardeners Plant Markers
Dracula Art Print
The Sopranos Art Print
£41.85 – £89.85
The Terminator Art Print
Stranger Things Art Print (Y&G)
£41.85 – £89.85
Stand By Me Art Print
Be An Artist Sketchbook
David Shrigley Vinyl Stickers Vol 1
I'm a Planner Socks
Drac N' Roll Garlic Peeler
Retro Camera Doormat
Ass Drawing Sketchbook
Pac-Man Salt & Pepper Set
Triceratops White Dino Lamp
T-Rex Dino Mug
Neon Rocket Table Lamp Sign
Rock! Candle Hand - Black [D]
Tricerapot [D]
Write Poetry Mug [D]
My Artwork is Terrible Sketchbook [D]
Sharpener Pen Pot
Nerd Alert! NeRd AlErT! Alerting all nerds! Boy do we have a CACHE of goodies for you! Get immersed in this quirky collection of homeware, from retro robots to Star Wars stuff. Treat your favourite nerd (which could be the one hiding inside you) to one of these geeky gizmos. Better to be a nerd than one of the herd! Unless it's the Red Candy herd of course...