- Shell-ebrate the Shell: Turtles are famous for their shell, which serves as their very own portable home. But did you know that a turtle's shell is made up of more than just bones? It's like their personal condo with a built-in sunroof! The shell consists of over 50 bones, including their backbone, ribs, and even parts of their shoulder girdle. Talk about a mobile mansion!
- Slow and Steady Wins the Race: Turtles are known for their unhurried pace, but don't let their leisurely demeanour fool you. These shelled superheroes have been around for more than 200 million years, making them one of the oldest reptile groups on the planet. They've seen dinosaurs come and go, and they're still here, turtling their way through life.
- The Tortoise and the Hairdryer: Ever wondered how turtles keep their sleek, well-groomed appearance? Well, it's not with a blow-dryer, but with their remarkable ability to shed their scaly skin. They regularly molt to reveal a fresh new layer underneath. Now that's a reptilian makeover worth snapping for!
- Shell Phone Reception: Turtles may seem like solitary creatures, but they have a secret communication technique - vibrations! They use their feet to stomp or scratch the ground, creating vibrations that travel through the earth. These seismic signals allow them to communicate with fellow turtles, almost like a turtle telegraph system. They've got their own underground social network!

Take it everywhere you go by hanging this comfy cushion on your bag. SEA for yourself, they're much softer than the real thing.

Turtle Bauble
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim, swim…
Look! Jellyman has jumped up on your tree! Sandy and seaweedy, he’s chilling on your fir like it’s a beach rock. Did you see that? Did you see what he did? First, you were like, whoa! And then we were like, WHOA! And then you were like, whoa. It's awesome, Jellyman.
Swim with the fishes (well, maybe not) with our Turtle Bauble so you can be by the sea even in the depths of December. These little dudes are just cool, hang ‘em on the tree, and then — koo-koo ka-choo! — they find their way back to the Big Ol' Blue.
Turtle Soap Tray - Grey
I had a little turtle
His name was Tiny Tim
I put him in the bathtub to see if he could swim
But he ate a bar of soap
And now he's in his bed
With bubbles in his throat!
Refrain from having your little pet turtle eat up all your soap by placing your bar in this TURTLE-ly cute Turtle Soap Tray!